Creekside Bridge and Waterfall

Creekside Bridge and Waterfall
Sandstone, Ohio Limestone
48′ span, appx. 20′ tall

This bridge is part of a park I was able to help build and design. The blocks shown are the actual faces of nineteenth and early twentieth railroad bridge blocks, sawn off and applied like very thick tile to a solid poured concrete substructure. We hand chiseled the edges to make the pieces fit the bridge structure.

Creekside Bridge and Waterfall
Sandstone, Ohio Limestone
48′ span, appx. 20′ tall

The keystones on the pedestrian side are carved grotesques, done on site after the installation. The plan was to do all the keystones, but as so many plans go, alas, ’twas not to be. Yet.

Creekside Bridge and Waterfall
Sandstone, Ohio Limestone
48′ span, appx. 20′ tall

If you happen to be really paying attention, you might notice this guy under the bridge from the other side. Mr. Four Eyes.

Creekside Bridge and Waterfall
Sandstone, Ohio Limestone
48′ span, appx. 20′ tall

Here is Mr. Four Eyes before the lagoon was filled. This was fun to carve on site. It was a beautiful day.

Creekside Bridge and Waterfall
Sandstone, Ohio Limestone
48′ span, appx. 20′ tall

The bridge and waterfall., complete, but the park was still under construction.

Creekside Bridge and Waterfall
Sandstone, Ohio Limestone
48′ span, appx. 20′ tall

Each of the stones that make up the waterfall slope down, just enough that the water flow is away from the spillway. This is not easily done.

Creekside Bridge and Waterfall
Sandstone, Ohio Limestone
48′ span, appx. 20′ tall

The finished waterfall on a beautiful day. So much fun to build, and so much a gift to the future.