Martin Williams Project

Martin Williams Project

My friend Martin Williams, a sculptor from Wales, came to visit, and made a sculpture while he was here. I helped. It was a chilly couple of days, but we had fun anyway. It is still up, two years later.

Martin Williams Project

Martin and I made a template, and using the forest in my back yard, we made a sculpture from the nearby dead wood.

Martin Williams Project

It is best seen driving around it on a lawn mower. I love it and think of Martin every week that the grass is growing.

Martin Williams Project

The heat is in the tools, as they say.

Martin Williams Project

Henry loved Martin. They had a good time together.

Martin Williams Project

Highest cribbage hand possible. Mine. Much toasting was had. Thanks for coming Martin!

Martin Williams Project

I don’t remember the conversation, but I’m sure it was highly charged.